Bible Study Groups
Men’s Bible Study
Every Wednesday at 8:30 am in Sunday School #1,
located right outside the sanctuary.
The men’s bible study is a group of faithful men who meet to discuss and delve into the perfect, inerrant, all-sufficient Word of God, so “that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work ” (2 Tim. 3:17).
This group is led by Pastor Mark.
Ladies Bible Study
Every Wednesday at 10:30 am in Sunday School #4,
located to the right of the sanctuary, down the hall, to the right.
The Ladies Bible Study gathers to study various books of the Bible verse by verse to help us grow in the Word of God. We are an application-based study understanding that “Obedience is better than sacrifice” 1st Samuel 15:22.
In the past two and a half years we have studied James, Romans, John, 1st and 2nd Timothy, and Titus. We are now in 1st and 2nd Peter but call the office and ask for an up-to-date report on what we are studying.
Each week there is a handout for further study. Please bring your Bible and pen.
A three-ring binder will keep your handouts organized. Many of us have lunch in town after Bible Study.
The Ladies Bible Study is taught by Diann Catlin, with substitutions by Jan Brown and Bitsy Calloway.

The Ladies Bible Study meets at 10:30 every Wednesday morning at the church in room 4. Then many of our group go to lunch at a Highlands restaurant. Those pictured just studied the second half of Daniel 2…and also rejoiced that thru God, Daniel could interpret the king’s dream and save the lives of Daniel’s fellow wise ones.
For the Ladies Bible Study ,this of course increased the appetite and the need to visit more over lunch. Ladies Bible Study is a verse by verse study of God’s inspired Word, one book at a time. We have prayer time and even seasonal gatherings to make crafts and cards. You will need your Bible and a pen to add to the Bible Study handout. Please join us! You will be blessed by each person who attends! AND God’s Word NEVER returns void!