After a time of mission work in Paris, France, the Ford’s returned to begin their ministry at Mile Creek Baptist Church of Six Mile, SC in 1981. During these early years they began their family, with God giving them two wonderful children – Raquela Ruth Alexander and Paul Christian. In 1988 the Lord led the Ford’s to Praters Creek Baptist Church where they experienced a blessed and fruitful ministry from 1988 to 1997. During those years, Mark would pursue a degree in history and a minor in Greek at Southern Wesleyan University. With the gracious and supportive assistance of the church, Mark would go on to earn his M.Div. from Erskine Theological Seminary.
Following a fruitful and blessed ministry at Westminster First from 1997 to 2003, Mark and Teresa were called of the Lord to serve at Cross Roads Baptist Church in Easley, SC. from 2003 to 2012. During these blessed years, ministry opportunities expanded with Mark teaching at Southern Wesleyan University as an adjunct and serving as an associate chaplain at Palmetto Baptist Hospital. Mark finished his doctorate at Princeton Theological Seminary, with a focus on leading a church into missional thinking and ministry.
God has been gracious to the Ford family and continues to allow them to participate in the great work of His Kingdom to a hurting and lost world as Senior Pastor of Highlands First Baptist Church, beginning in 2012. Mark and Teresa love the Highlands community and the people of First Baptist and anticipate great things for the church. Teresa uses her love of cooking and hospitality skills to be a blessing and help those in need of encouragement.
Mark and Teresa share a mutual love for their four grandsons and the outdoors. Most of all they love the Lord and count themselves privileged to serve His people and His Gospel.

Donnie and Sharon come to FBC Highlands after a good and fruitful nine years of ministry as the pastor of Holly Springs Baptist Church in Franklin, NC. Prior to that ministry, Donnie was the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church in Inverness, FL for 11 years. He was ordained in 1989 and has been privileged to serve for 35 years of pastoral ministry in Florida and the Carolinas.
He graduated from West Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte, NC and received his B.A. in Government/Pre-Law from Campbell University. He earned his Master of Divinity from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and has done additional post-graduate work at Reformed Theological Seminary and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Donnie and Sharon have been married for 20 years and they have four grown children: Daniel (Dani), Craig (Cassandra), Lauren (Lyon), and Chelsea (Thomas). They have been blessed with nine amazing grandchildren; Carsten, Laken, Luca, Cam, Annistyn, Collins, Leo, Cal and Leyna.
In their spare time Donnie and Sharon love exploring these beautiful mountains and spending time with the grandkids. Sharon is a runner and gifted ASL interpreter. Donnie enjoys golf and reading. More than anything, Donnie and Sharon want to share the love and grace of Jesus Christ with the church family here at FBC Highlands and to be a light for Christ on this plateau.

While teaching as a full-time music educator for the past forty years, Tom has served in part-time music ministry for a number of churches. He has conducted honors choirs for various choral festivals and concerts, including nine concert appearances at Carnegie Hall and one at the Lincoln Center. His college choir has performed in Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand, Israel, Poland and Germany. In addition, he participated as a Fellow Conductor in a collaborative performance of Haydn’s Creation in Varna, Bulgaria.
Tom and Mitzi love the Lord and have committed their lives to serving Him. Their hope is to serve fellow believers in Christ to bring encouragement and edification, especially though music, worship, and counseling.

Angelica moved from Mexico City to Cashiers, NC in 1998 with her husband, Sergio. She attended Primera Iglesia Bautista in Cullowhee, NC. She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior that same year and began to teach Sunday School. Later, she would lead the women’s Bible study and oversee the Operation Christmas Child program. Then along with Sergio they led VBS for the first time at their church. After leading VBS for a couple of years, in 2016 God opened a door for her to work with children at Cashiers Valley Preschool. That same year she enrolled in Fruitland Baptist College. After four years she was certified in Christian Leadership. In 2021 she enrolled again in Fruitland Baptist College, this time to become a Christian Counselor and was certified in 2023. Currently God has opened a door for her to work as Director of Children’s Ministries here at First Baptist Church Highlands. Angelica recognizes that everything she has done is because God has given her the ability to do it and she knows that God will be with her in the new chapter of her life.
Calab and Emily are residents of Highlands. Calab was born and raised in Macon County. Emily moved to Highlands in the early 90s with her family and has been a member of FBC since she was 10. Calab attended Sugar Fork Baptist and Pine Grove Baptist in Franklin.
Calab has served in youth ministry at FBC since 2011 and became the Youth Director in 2020. Calab and Emily have been married for 15 years and knew they wanted to raise their children in Highlands. They have been blessed with 5 wonderful sons: Jensen, Porter, Deacon, Beckett, and Baylor.
Calab and Emily have served in children/youth & other ministries since 2007. Calab attended Haywood for horticulture. He worked in this field for 11 years and then moved to his current employer at Wilson Gas. Emily received her Master’s in Nursing and is the Director at the Eckerd Living Center.
They are always busy serving the youth of our community through sports and volunteer opportunities. Calab and Emily both coach at the local school. They both serve in these areas to meet children and minister to them and their families. Calab and Emily want the youth and families of our community to love Jesus and grow up to serve and worship Him.